Monday, February 18, 2008

United Health Care, nation's largest health insurer

Hmmmmm......lets put it together ,,,,,,,real soon

Suspecting Fraud, NY Attorney General Investigates United Health Care
Filed under: Health Care
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced today that he has opened an investigation into whether Minneapolis-based United Health Care, the nation's largest health insurer, has been fleecing patients on out-of-network charges for the last decade.
Remember, HCA - The Healthcare Company, HCA Inc., Hosptical Corporation of America, or whatever other names they have used , was once the largest Healthcare Provider in the US also has a history of fraud.

AS of today, we have NCFE, the largest fraudulent scheme in the history of this country, even larger than Enron is currently at trial. (One of the executives, not yet on trial until OCTOBER, (Who knows why) came from ......HCA!!!!

Oh yea!!!

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